Stay Strong 300ml
Stay Strong 300ml from Paul Mitchell is a quick-drying thermal protection hairspray that helps protect strands when using curling irons and flat irons. It contains rice hull extract that builds a lightweight barrier between hair and heat styling tools, while wheat proteins boost hair’s strength.
This flexible-hold spray is easy to work with and fights frizz, leaving hair looking and feeling its best.
Stay Strong 300ml from Paul Mitchell is a quick-drying thermal protection hairspray that helps protect strands when using curling irons and flat irons. It contains rice hull extract that builds a lightweight barrier between hair and heat styling tools, while wheat proteins boost hair’s strength.
This flexible-hold spray is easy to work with and fights frizz, leaving hair looking and feeling its best.
Lock your favorite style in place with Firm Style Stay Strong Hairspray from Paul Mitchell. This firm-hold spray adds volume and provides maximum control without leaving hair feeling stiff or sticky.
Its special formula also protects against humidity, helping to fight frizz.
Usage Guidelines:
Spray onto finished style. If nozzle clogs, rinse under warm water.
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