Double Hitter 250ml
The Double Hitter 250ml is a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner that cleanses and conditions in one simple step. This multi-tasker creates a hearty lather for a deep clean that leaves your hair looking clean, healthy, and thick.
The Double Hitter 250ml is a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner from Paul Mitchell, specially formulated for men. This multi-tasker creates a hearty lather for a deep clean that leaves your hair looking clean, healthy, and thick.
This product is designed to cleanse and condition your hair in one easy step, giving you clean, healthy, and noticeably thicker hair. With its powerful formulation, the Double Hitter creates a hearty lather that deeply cleanses your hair, removing dirt, excess oil, and product buildup.
In addition to its cleansing benefits, it also provides improved detangling with a soft, light finish. It rinses clean with a fresh scent and is safe for color-treated hair.
Usage Guidelines:
Lather into hair, massage, and rinse. You’re done!
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